The China Factor

David Kenton Reid
5 min readApr 26, 2021

We can’t deny the power China has in our world.

Photo by Aaron Greenwood on Unsplash

The world outside of China has become increasingly divided and had its resources depleted since Covid-19 was first declared an outbreak by the World Health Organization and a Public Health Emergency of International Concern on January 30, 2020, and a pandemic on March 11, 2020.

After more than a year of masks, social distance, lockdowns, restrictions, and massive government spending the world is now a huge mess.

The dramatic rise in power and influence.

The bottom line is that China is one powerful force and the rest of the world has never been more weak and divided.

With the massive technological advancements made since the end of the second world war, many have predicted the basis of the world’s next power shift. Some say the country that was a leader in traditional weapon manufacturing; some form of cyberwar is inevitable; some say control of the world’s natural resources; some say control of the world’s manufacturing; some say through the food and water supply; some say biochemical research; some say through pharmaceutical production, and some say medical supplies and equipment. What if I told you that, in my opinion, China is the leader in all of these categories.

Understand that China’s total GDP in 1980 was under $90 billion in current dollars. Today, it is over $12 trillion.

I have been doing business with China since the 1970s. Over this time I have observed massive growth and prosperity. I traveled often to Hong Kong where my agent coordinated the many factories that made the products for my company. When I would travel to Hong Kong I was treated like royalty. The preference of my associates in Kowloon was to focus on the product and the value I was receiving along with its substantial profit potential. I was discouraged from visiting the factories located primarily in the New Territories, which was formerly an area on many towns and communities located outside of Hong Kong/Kowloon. When I insisted on visiting and inspecting these factories it was not like anything I could have imagined. The conditions were terrible and, in my opinion, not fit for humans.

Photo by Juantography on Unsplash

Just don’t look behind the curtain.

If I commented on the conditions of the so-called factories I visited I was quickly reminded of the great price that was being paid. I will admit I was quite a hypocrite making money at these oppressed workers' expense. In the comfort of expensive hotel suites and immaculately clean and glitzy showrooms, I was offered women to have sex with along with illegal and counterfeit products. All with no filter for what is deemed to be appropriate by western standards. Price and quality were all that would be seen by my customers so everything else was not a factor. Ironically, this is what every company I am aware of that deals with China still does, whether they will admit it or not.

The denial of this reality has perpetuated itself into everyday life because all that is seen in the western world is the product, the quality, and the price.

Power and control — it’s all part of the plan.

China is a communist regime. In China, this means that the government owns and controls everything. Every Chinese citizen is commanded to be loyal with their life and existence to Xi Jinping and the Chinese government. The western world arrogantly thinks the whole world wants to be like them but this is not what China wants. As noted in The Hundred-Year Marathon, Michael Pillsbury outlines the Chinese government’s detailed plan to be the most powerful nation in the world. The plan is to do this by the year 2049, which is the centennial of China’s Communist revolution.

Knowing the Chinese government’s clear objective and experiencing the devastation the world has experienced that surrounds Covid-19, it has never been more obvious, in my opinion, that this plan is on track.

The China factor means that we can no longer take China and those loyal to Xi Jinping’s plan for world domination for granted. I want to be clear to point out that the western world has many wonderful Chinese immigrants that have made the choice to leave the oppression they were under and embrace western values. The China factor is about the Chinese government, its leaders, and followers.

China is united by force whereas the rest of the world is falling apart by choice.

Today we live in a divided world that is in complete harmony with China’s strategy of “Divide et impera” to achieve their ultimate plan.

The Latin phrase “Divide et impera” is as old as politics and war. The divide your enemy so you can reign approach is attributed to Julius Cesar — he successfully applied it to conquer Gaul twenty-two centuries ago (no typo).Jul. 27, 2018

It may be unpopular to say the truth that the current Covid-19 pandemic originated from China and no one has benefited more than China. My father has been in the hospital for many months and I was allowed to visit him daily as his primary caregiver. Every time I entered the hospital I was told to put on a new “Made in China” mask. Every time I entered my father’s room I had to put on a “Made in China” gown. I can go on and on but you get the picture.

Politics, corruption, protests, racism, sexism, elitism, fear, responsibility, accountability, and violence are not factors in China because they are not acknowledged by the Chinese government.

The western world seems to be dividing itself right into the hands of China’s plan.

Is it just a perfect storm?

This past year has seen a perfect storm of astronomical debt and subsequent rise in inflation, bankruptcies, suicide, crime rates, depression, substance abuse, and abuse of basically every form. The very limited social interaction, mask-wearing, and distancing have encouraged anti-social behavior. The quality of our children’s education has declined and they are not allowed to play together.

I don’t know about you but if I was one of the designers of China’s plan to be the most powerful country in the world I couldn’t have come up with anything more effective than what is happening in the world right now.

Tall antenna overlooking large city
Photo by Denys Nevozhai on Unsplash

The China factor.

Aside from the political agendas of the rest of the world, China has positioned itself to get a pass on addressing its ethical, environmental, and humanitarian responsibilities and abuses. Like my personal experience, it seems the entire world is fine with sacrificing all these important issues because China has created the illusion that it is the primary source of everything. It seems to all come down to the perceived value and the rest is not talked about. China’s power in the world has definitely increased dramatically while the rest of the world collapses.

It all seems to be a perfect plan, whether it was actually planned or not.



David Kenton Reid

B.A., M.B.A, Newly free and loving life while recognising the past. The truth is eternal.